Friday, 6 December 2013

An Interview with - Firey Indigo

1. What is your SecondLife Name?

Firey Indigo.

2. How long have you been a active participant in SecondLife?

Seven years .

3. How did you find out about SecondLife?

My daughter told me about it, and introduced me to building which i love.
4. Why do you volunteer your time at Lost Eden?

Because I felt that SecondLife was missing something special for people who were adult but wanted romance and somewhere special to spend their time that was not sleazy or nasty .. but fun,  friendly, with a great community spirit, plus  private places for those who could not afford homes to meet with their friends or love.

Their are many sim's in SecondLife, but so many are geared to men and to sex and I wanted to see somewhere women felt at home and men also but with a more elegant romantic and friendly atmosphere where they could  enjoy a more romantic relationship and friendships, without feeling pressured or embarrassed.
Eden was created to fill that gap a wonderful romantic place for adults with many private places and people running it who cared about the sim and not about profits.

The rules are simple but kept strictly and the 24 thousand members seem to love the fact Lost Eden is unique friendly, adult and elegant that you can dance everywhere, cuddle dream, find  love, friends and enjoy yourself  in a truly romantic atmosphere.

5. What else do you do in SecondLife?

I am a mentor -  which is someone who helps new residents or solves problems and I build on Lost Eden, spend time with friends and learn. 
6. What talents do you have as far as SecondLife goes?

Building and a little scripting and it seems making friends, the voluntary staff at Lost Eden are wonderful people and I truly value the friendships I have made their with staff and others  :)
7. Is there anything you don't like about Second Life?

The cost of land and the lag but that's a general problem, the fact that their are so few places built by women... or geared towards women and helpful to newcomers. 
8. What is your favourite place in SecondLife?

Lost Eden of course :)

9. If there was anything you could change about SecondLife, what would it be?

Cost of land and lag.

10. What keeps bringing you back to SecondLife?


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