Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Being Adult and Swearing

Recently, Senior Management at Lost Eden, sent out the following note card through their rather large group. It goes like this:
"Good Day Edenites:
We seem to be having an age old problem with bad language, and crude chat and innuendo in the Landing Dock Area, and I feel I need to explain why we don't allow it.
As new visitors land in Lost Eden, the last thing anyone wants to walk into is loud rude and foul mouthed language. It can be very intimidating for some and offending to others. Its where the first impressions are made of our sim, and its not how we wish to be seen.

Yes we are Adult, but that does not give visitors and members the right to make our sim look like a seedy dive, and nothing is going to change the fact that the main sim is ROMANTIC, with the adult content to take place in the private areas of LE. one is saying you cant swear, but we are adamant you will NOT swear in the landing dock and you will be banned if you ignore a warning...
LOST EDEN IS HUGE, there are many areas where you and friends can meet and chat to your hearts content, in private, but some insist on standing in the dock area turning out the foul language and it  will not tolerated it under any circumstances.
ADULT mean we expect you to act like one, nothing more. It is certainly not a passport to talk to people in an insulting or rude manner.
To conclude...once banned you can return with as many alts as you like, but it wont alter the rules here.. if you come to agitate, or try to enforce appalling behaviour in the landing dock, you will again be banned. So its a pretty pointless exercise.
Can I also remind everyone, that we have grid mentors working the sim, and are visited by LL regularly, and so work within the TOS (Terms of Service) and the Community Standards, to ensure everyone has a peaceful time here. I do hope this gives some clarification  to some, and peace of mind to others.
Its not rocket science, its simple RESPECT."
Before anyone gets on their individual high horse, one has to ask "If you owned a sim, would you want your sim to be remembered as a seedy dive".
The Lost Eden dock is the welcome area for the whole sim, Lost Eden is judged by that, and the builders have created many private nooks and crannies for folks to gather and chill, but as management pointed out, folks cling to the dock area like barnacles to the bottom of a boat.
As for those that swear like a trooper, with little regard for those around them, go and visit the sim where they have their club, its all but empty, lifeless, sterile.
Being an adult means you act like one, you take responsibility for your actions, being adult, I believe we should set a good example, but that is my belief, others will have their own.


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